Saturday, May 21, 2016

Welcome to Diverse Children's Books! #diversekidlit

Diverse Children's Books is a brand new book-sharing meme designed to promote the reading and writing of children's books that feature diverse characters. This community embraces all kinds of diversity including (and certainly not limited to) diverse, inclusive, multicultural, and global books for children of all backgrounds.

We encourage everyone who shares to support this blogging community by visiting and leaving comments for at least three others. Please also consider following the hosts on at least one of their social media outlets. Spread the word using #diversekidlit and/or adding our button to your site and your diverse posts.


We hope this community will grow into a great resource for parents, teachers, librarians, publishers, and authors! Our next linkup will be Saturday, June 4th and will continue on the first and third Saturdays of each month.

Most Clicked Post from Last Time

The most clicked post from our previous #diversekidlit is I Am J - Diversity Book Recommendation by Joanna at Miss Marple's Musings. The post provides a detailed review of this Young Adult novel about a boy born as a girl who is wrestling with his identity and place in the world. The post also includes a link to additional genderqueer/non-binary resources.

My #DiverseKidLit Shout-Out

Earlier this month the highly-anticipated (at least in my classroom) sequel to The Misadventures of the Family Fletcher arrived! We had read the first book as a class read aloud in preparation for our Skype visit with Dana Alison Levy on World Read Aloud Day. The series features a family of four boys (Sam, Jax, Eli, and Frog) adopted by their two fathers (Dad and Papa). Sam and Eli are Caucasian, Jax is African-American, and Frog is Indian-American. Papa is Jewish, and Dad is Caucasian and Episcopalian.

The Family Fletcher Takes Rock Island picks up shortly where the first book left off: summer vacation. As the family begins their annual trip to Rock Island, "The place where time stands still," they find disconcerting changes are afoot. This is a great, humorous summer and family adventure series in the style of Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing or The Penderwicks. This book will make a great addition to any home or classroom library!

#DiverseKidLit is Hosted By:

Katie @ The Logonauts
Blog / Twitter / Facebook / Pinterest

Beth @ Pages and Margins
Blog / Twitter / Facebook / Pinterest

Gayle Swift, Author of ABC, Adoption & Me
Blog / Twitter / Facebook / Google+

Marjorie @ Mirrors Windows Doors
Blog / Twitter / Facebook / Pinterest

Mia @ Pragmatic Mom
Blog / Twitter / Facebook / Pinterest / Instagram

Myra @ Gathering Books
Blog / Twitter / Facebook

Guest Host for May

Shoumi Sen, Author of Toddler Diaries
Blog / Twitter / Facebook

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Receive an email reminder for each new #diversekidlit linkup

Interested in joining as a host or an occasional co-host? Contact katie at

(Never participated in a linkup before? Please click here for a more detailed step-by-step.)


  1. These are the sort of adventures I loved to read about when I was a kid! Thanks for the introduction.

  2. Saying hi, Katie. Love the new logo!


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