Welcome to #iLoveMG where I share middle grade books that my fifth graders recommend. (Please note that my fifth graders read a wide variety of books across a wide variety of genres, levels, and topics. Do not think that these books are "only" for fifth graders.) Or check out #3rdfor3rd for recommendations from when I taught third grade.
Loteria is the book's name and the author is Karla Arenas Valenti and the book is fantasy. The book is about a little girl named Clara. Life and Death are playing a game to decide Clara’s fate, a tic tac toe game. Life and Death starts to play, the placed a bean on a tree and something happens to a tree, then Life and Death placed a bean on a scorpion, and a scorpion appears in Clara’s house, then Life and Death placed a bean on a bow, then a siren, since the bow and arrow killed Clara’s friend’s mom, Chita. Esteban, Clara’s friend, filled with grief, followed a voice into a different place, where a devil awaits, now Clara has to find his friend before he gets sold off and survive the many challenges that Life and Death creates.
Recommended by ThomasLoteria is the book's name and the author is Karla Arenas Valenti and the book is fantasy. The book is about a little girl named Clara. Life and Death are playing a game to decide Clara’s fate, a tic tac toe game. Life and Death starts to play, the placed a bean on a tree and something happens to a tree, then Life and Death placed a bean on a scorpion, and a scorpion appears in Clara’s house, then Life and Death placed a bean on a bow, then a siren, since the bow and arrow killed Clara’s friend’s mom, Chita. Esteban, Clara’s friend, filled with grief, followed a voice into a different place, where a devil awaits, now Clara has to find his friend before he gets sold off and survive the many challenges that Life and Death creates.
My favorite quote is “We must honor all living creatures. It is not our right to restrict anyone’s freedom. We always pay a price for doing so.” I like this quote because animals deserve to live life how they want to, don’t force them to do something, and for keeping people in a cage (unless they are a VERY VERY VERY bad human being).
I recommend this book to anyone who likes fantasy and for people who like a boring book at the beginning and suddenly spikes with action.
I think this book is really good, but it takes too much time for the action to rise, so I would rate this book, out of five, a solid 4.2
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Click here for all of our #iLoveMG posts. What are your favorite middle grade books?