Monday, March 30, 2015

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? 3/30/15

It's Monday! What are you reading? was started by Sheila at Book Journey and was adapted for children's books from picture books through YA by Jen of Teach Mentor Texts and Kellee of Unleashing Readers. You can visit either site for a round up of blogs sharing their weekly readings and thoughts or search Twitter for #IMWAYR.

Last Week's Posts

Picture Books

I have been continuing to read a lot of picture books but in the run-up to Spring Break and school craziness have not had the time to log them and find pictures, etc. Stay tuned for next time ...

Middle Fiction

Listen, Slowly (2015) by Thanhhà Lại. This book is incredible, and I love how different it is in style and feeling from her first book. In this story, our main character is a Vietnamese-American girl, raised in California, and she typifies the ongoing conflict between recent immigrants and their Americanized children. Mai/Mia is surprised to find herself in Vietnam for the summer with her grandmother, attempting to help uncover the mysteries about what actually happened to her prisoner of war grandfather back in Vietnam. An incredible story of family, heritage, and belonging. Highly recommended.

Award-Winning Books Reading Challenge update: 10 books, 2 dedicated posts

Dive into Diversity Challenge update: 63 books, 21 dedicated posts (Teaching about US Immigration and New Books from Kids Can Press)

ReFoReMo: For the month of March, I am also participating in the Read for Research Month Challenge. While my picture book reading is growing exponentially, I will try not to be too overwhelming with how many I include here for IMWAYR. Additional books that are new to me will be logged on GoodReads, and rereads will just be logged in my notes.

Happy Reading!


  1. We have Listen, Slowly at school, & I will get to it, but there are several others that will come before. Your review makes me want to read it now, Katie.

    1. You will find it well worth the wait, Linda!

  2. Inside out and Back again is still one of the most popular books in our library. The lit circle set of it helps as students continuously spread word of it. I'm looking forward to reading this one too.

    1. Listen, Slowly would be a great one for lit circles too - especially for second-gen kids!

  3. Listen Slowly is on my TBR list - I loved Inside Out and Back Again a lot.

  4. Oh my goodness, now I really have to find Thanhha Lai's new novel in verse! :) So ready to fall in love with it.

    1. Listen, Slowly actually is in prose, not verse. I've read a few interviews with the author about it, and since the main character, herself, thinks in full, verbose English, she made it a prose book.


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