Saturday, June 1, 2024

Orphan Island - book recommendation #iLoveMG

This is part of my continuing series, #iLoveMG , where I share middle grade books that my fifth graders recommend. (Please note that my fifth graders read a wide variety of books across a wide variety of genres, levels, and topics. Do not think that these books are "only" for fifth graders.) Or check out #3rdfor3rd for recommendations from when I taught third grade.

Orphan Island

Recommended by Audra

Orphan Island is a really good book about a girl who lives on an island of orphans. Each year, the oldest one has to go away forever in a boat, and a new youngest one comes. This year, it’s Jinny’s best friend Deen’s turn, leaving Jinny as the Elder. Jinny knows that the Elders always leave, but is she ready? 
“Nine on an island, orphans all, 
Any more, the sky might fall.” 

I rate this book 5/5 stars because it is a really beautiful book about friendship, and sacrificing yourself for the people you love.

Click here for all of our #iLoveMG posts. What are your favorite middle grade books?

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