
Saturday, November 16, 2024

Best Books

As part of our end-of-year wrap up in 5th grade, I asked my students to compile their own #BestBookList. They could choose an overall theme or not. You can see all of their recommendations at #BestBookList. For individual book recommendations, check out our  #iLoveMG posts. If you are looking for younger readers, #3rdfor3rd features recommendations from when I taught third grade.

Best Books

Recommended by Hope

Fighting Words is a really important book about a really important topic (abuse).  

Maybe He Just Likes You is about a girl who was getting attention that she did not appreciate. The basketball boys decided to make a game about her. 

The Girl from the Sea is about how a girl called Morgan is ready to escape the big world into her own little one she was dealing with too much and just kept bottling up her feelings. One night when Morgan was drowning she was saved by and girl named Keltie. After a while Morgan starts to fall in love. Keltie wanted everything that had been hidden to find a way to open. 

Unstuck and My Life in the Fish Tank are about a girl who is dealing with anxiety and a bunch of other challenges and this is about how she deals with them.

Click here for all of our #BestBooks posts. What is your favorite middle grade book for 5th graders?


  1. Great picks from Hope! Looks like I need to read more Barbara Dee 😁 (Of these, I have read and enjoyed FIGHTING WORDS and MAYBE HE JUSTS LIKES YOU.) I think Hope would enjoy THAT'S WHAT FRIENDS DO by Cathleen Barnhart.

  2. Ooh, thanks for the recommendation! I will pass that along. We did a Zoom with Barbara Dee for World Read Aloud Day last February, and she made a strong impression on many of my readers. :)
